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Yang Lab | Recording & Decoding Cancer Evolution

Latest Updates & Events
05/18 Jackie was awarded a highly competitive summer research fellowship from Columbia University. Congrats Jackie!
07/01 Bea Grauman from the integrated PhD program in cellular, molecular, and biomedical
science joined our lab as the first Ph.D. student! Welcome Bea!
07/19 Our first lab outing joint with our neighbor Concepcion lab at the SPYGAME was a blast. We were among the top scored teams of the day! Great job, team! Great food & lots of fun.

07/30 Our lab is awarded a NCI-K22 grant to support our work on cancer plasticity.
06/04 Celebrating Victor's B-day!

09/20 Welcome our new rotation students. Hotpot party!

10/01 Our lab received a NIH Directors New Innovator Award (DP2) to support our work on
lung cancer metastasis and heterogeneity for the next 5 years!
10/20 Yousuf joined us from the Columbia Biomedical Engineering Program. Welcome!
09/01 Yang lab officially opens at Columbia University in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics and the Department of Systems Biology. A new adventure starts! We are recruiting at all levels.
10/10 Victor joins our lab as a research assistant. He graduated from Emory University with both wet- and dry-lab experience and he is interested in cancer spatial genomics. Welcome, Victor!
11/07 Jackie joins our lab as an undergraduate researcher. She is a computer science major and interested in combining her coding skills with benchwork experience. Welcome, Jackie!
11/10 Our long-term collaborator Matt visits our new lab from Stanford. What a pleasure to have a friend come from afar!

12/15 Our first lab holiday party joint with our great neighbor Concepcion lab. Great food, drinks, and white elephant gift exchange! Wish everyone a great new year!

12/15 Our first lab holiday party joint with our great neighbor Concepcion lab. Great food, drinks, and white elephant gift exchange! Wish everyone a great new year!
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